Monday, October 31, 2011


Paxton was "Superhero Wolverine" and Porter was Flash for Halloween this year. Don't ask me why they picked these costumes because I don't believe either of them knows who these characters are, but this is what they wanted so this is what they got. They didn't have either of these costumes at Target and that was as far as I looked, so my awesome mother ran ALL OVER TOWN trying to find these two specific costumes.

Knowing good and well Charlotte was going to wear her costume for all of about 30 seconds my mom just picked her up some butterfly wings and a tiara and wand. After seeing the costumes I think Porter wanted to be the fairy princess more than Flash, but whatever.

*This was the best picture I could get of Charlotte in her costume which proves my mom's theory was right!*

We went to the Aquarium on Thursday night for a little trick or treating. The boys had a ton of fun. Charlotte ran around like a complete maniac, as usual. There was trick or treating, an enormous bouncy house slide, another bouncy house, games, etc. It was awesome.

Not sure Porter liked the mermaid!

And the best part was that meems went with us!!!
It was a good thing that we went and had some Halloween fun on Thursday night because by Friday morning Paxton was running a fever. This means that he had miss his big Halloween party at school. Total bummer. And he ran a fever all weekend and just felt overall crummy. On Monday at 530 he was asleep on the couch. Not cool. But he perked up and we went trick or treating!

Paxton was loving it. Porter was into it for the first few houses, but he started to go down hill fast. By the time we got home him and Charlotte were running a fever. We had Charlotte strapped in the wagon and were letting her eat candy after candy to keep her still and not sprinting down the street. She kept getting pieces of candy out of Porter's bucket and saying "stuck, stuck" because she couldn't get the wrapper off.

Porter jumped into the wagon at one point and wasn't doing any more trick or treating. I asked him if he wanted to go to the next house with Pax and he said, "no thanks, it's making me nervous." I'm not quite sure if he really knows what that word means exactly though since this morning when Pax was singing this song over and over Porter said, "Pax stop singing that song. It's getting on my nervous." But who knows. He didn't feel good, but he did feel good enough to down a couple pieces of candy before jumping in the bath!

All in all it was a successful night. Fever's past and present, everyone had a blast! And Scott and I scored on some candy!

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