Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Today we had our playroom painted. One of my dear friends who knows a ton of people referred a really nice man named Jerry to paint for us. When he came over this morning to give me a bid for the job this is what he walked into:

*Please note we have NEVER met Jerry before in our lives!*

Jerry: Good morning ma'am. Nice to meet you. (as we shake hands)
Me: Good morning Jerry, I'm Kate.
Paxton sticking out his hand for a shake: Hi Jerry, I'm Paxton.
Porter: And I'm Porter.

And then it happens...just like that...Paxton goes in for the HUG! Arms wrapped ever so tightly around Jerry's waist, head buried in Jerry's bellybutton is where Paxton landed. For so long, I had to gently pull him off of our new friend. Jerry was caught a little off guard by the sudden act of affection, but very quick to recripricate the love Paxton was giving him. Jerry has 4 kids of his own so he was VERY sweet to the boys all day. And each and every (1000) time the boys would say something like, "Jerry why do you have sunglasses on your head? Jerry why do you have paint on your arm? Jerry what does that say on your shirt? Jerry do you like turkey sandwiches? Jerry are you going to paint until sundown? Jerry is that your truck? Jerry ummmmmmm....." He was quick with a sweet response that satisfied the questioner at hand.

Don't you know that when Jerry was packing up for the day and about to leave it happened yet again. Biggest bear hug Jerry has probably ever had!

I LOVE the sweet acceptance of children. It amazes me, really. I wish this could carry into adulthood. That people would never lose this innocence and love for everyone no matter what the situation or circumstance.

However, this brings me to a new lesson we might need to start covering...STRANGERS!

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