Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Children are my teachers

I once heard this quote, "While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."

Nothing has been truer in my life. Everyday I learn a lesson from my children that makes me a better person. I have been re-reading this book that I absolutely love called The Mastery of Love. I read it once when Scott and I were first married. As I am re-reading it I feel like I am reading it for the first time, because the first time I read it I was reading it from the perspective of a wife. Now I am reading it from the perspective of a mother as well.

There is one chapter that really stands out to me. It is the chapter on innocence. It talks about how the innocence of children is so pure and perfect and as they grow that innocence is lost a little more with each new experience. Obviously, there is an element of losing innocence that is healthy and necessary. This is what keeps us from hurting ourselves and being reckless. The innocence that I want to try and salvage forever in my children is the acceptance, forgiveness, and caring for other people that we lose so much as we grow.

When I watch my kids play with each other and other children I can't help but notice that they do everything with a happy heart. They are carefree and uninhibited. They aren't wondering who is watching them and what someone else might think about the way they are playing. When they have a disagreement, they resolve it and move on as if it never happened. There is no grudge being held or plan to retaliate.

Paxton has a birth mark on his arm. The kids in his class noticed it the other day and were asking him about it. He was so proud that he had this birth mark "because it makes him different and special." And the other kids thought it was cool. He was trying to wear his sleeve rolled up so everyone could see it again the next day. He was never embarrassed about it. No one made fun of him for it.

Why don't adults act this way? Why are we so worried about what other people might think about us or the decisions we make in our lives? I have really been trying to regain that innocence of my children.

Everyone has different parenting styles. I appreciate and understand that me and almost all of my friends have a different one. I LOVE this and try and learn what others do and what works best for them. We use the "attachment approach to parenting." This is what works for our family, and I am fully aware this is NOT good for everyone. This is what is good for us. But because we have adopted this approach to parenting I read a lot of stuff by Dr. Sears who I find encouraging to this style of parenting. One thing that he says is "get behind the eyes of your child." He is referring to soothing techniques, sleep training, discipline, etc., but I have also been trying to do this in other aspects of my life, too. When I start to feel myself getting judgemental or negative I try and look at the situation from "the eyes of my children." It helps me so much to put things into perspective.

One thing I want my kids to know more than anything is that we are in a relationship with each other. It is not "me mother, you child." It is a partnership. If we guide each other we are all so much better versions of ourselves.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Baby Avery turns 1!

Avery is the baby of the family. I mean of the ENTIRE family! So needless to say we all find her absolutely perfect and adorable in EVERY way!

Baby Avery turned 1 on August 20! She had a killer birthday party at Yogi Bear's in Eufaula. It was 115 degrees of fun!! No, but seriously, it was the best 1st birthday party!

There was swimming...
And cousins...

And pizza...

And Cake!!!

It was so much fun this happened before we even left the parking lot.

And this about 20 minutes into the the car ride home!

Avery is so sweet and precious and my whole family loves her so much it is crazy! I will have to say I think Charlotte loves her the most though. Charlotte hands me my phone about 100 times a day and says "BABY!" She wants me to pull up photos of Avery and she kisses the pictures. The boys also adore her and love to make her laugh. She is the sweetest, happiest little peanut in the whole wide world! Happy Birthday Baby Avery!!

Sweet Sleep

Sleep is a 4 letter word in our house. We are the worst sleepers. All of us. Well almost all of us. Porter is the only one who could sleep anywhere and through anything.

**It is only appropriate that I put a disclaimer before the following story. I know I am a little crazy, but I can't help it. This story is not to provide evidence of my craziness but to provide evidence of Porter's wicked deep sleeping skills. Try to refrain from judging me! :)**

One night Pax and Port were in the shower and Porter slipped and fell on the cusp of the shower door. He started sobbing hysterically and immediately got an ENORMOUS bruise on his side. He calmed down and all was right in the world again....until he went to bed, that is. I, being the incredibly neurotic mother that I am, started panicking that he had fallen and damaged his spleen or kidneys or something, (I know, I know it's nuts. I can't help it people. I watch too much Grey's Anatomy!) so I start my thing that I do when I start to get paranoid. I ask Scott if he thinks I should take him to after hours. He says, " if you think you need to take him then so do I. But take him now before it closes so we don't end up in the freaking emergency room later." He says these exact words every. single. time. I try to talk myself out of it, and then I always end up taking him. I mean the bruise was HUGE people. And all sorts of different colors.

So I go upstairs and get sleeping Porter out of his bed. I load him in the car, drive to urgent care, fill out all of the appropriate paperwork, they weigh him, take his temperature, look at his pupils, the doctor assesses him, looks in his ears, etc. I check out, put him back in his car seat, take him out of his car seat once we get home, and put him back in his bed, all without him waking up. I am so envious of this type of sleep. If someone flushes the toilet in the house next door it will wake Charlotte up, which in turn will wake me up, which in turn will wake Scott up. And that's how it goes.

When I hear the term "sleeping like a baby" it always makes me think of Porter. He has no problem catching a few zzzzzzzzz's where ever, when ever he can!

I hope you have a big trunk because I'm about to put my bike in it

This kid got a new bike... My mom and dad wanted to get him a new bike, but I didn't think there was any way he was going to be able to ride a bike like this. He's only 2 (and his legs are a little short :D), and Paxton didn't really even learn to pedal until he was 3+.

Of course I was wrong! He jumped right up there and took off! So we took the kids to the school parking lot after dinner to ride and ride and ride.

Paxton got a new big bike for his birthday in March, but it's been so stinking hot we haven't really gotten to ride much lately.

Paxton thinks everything is a competition for some reason. He must inherit this competitive gene from his dad because I don't have a competitive bone in my body. I physically feel sad after watching sports because someone has to lose. It's weird. I know. So he was racing Porter the whole time. Porter is oblivious. Every time Paxton would say, "and the winner is PAXTON!" Porter would say, "and the other winner is PORTER!"

So the boys rode bikes and Charlotte ran. And ran. And ran around the parking lot. Seriously, you wouldn't believe how fast those chubby little legs will carry her! She ran so much she had to take a rest right in the middle of the parking lot!

They had a blast and were completely tuckered by the time we got home. I LOVE this weather because my whole family loves to be outside. We could almost live outside.

Ummmmmm, could someone please remind Charlotte she is only 1?!?! I don't think she got the memo.