Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Porter talks exceptionally well for an almost 3 year old. He also says some of the funniest things.

We pulled up to the dry cleaners drive thru window one day and he says, "Mommy, I want french fries. And juice. And beeth (beef)."
"Um, Porter, we are at the cleaners."
"What, I can't have french fries? Can I just have some beeth then?"
"Porter, we are not at Arby's honey, we are at the cleaners getting daddy's clothes."
"Well can I at least have juice?"
"Porter, they do NOT have food or juice here!"
"Well then let's go to Arby's and get some beeth?!"

These are just a few things that transpired today.

He was singing:
"If you're happy in your nose clap your hands. If your happy in your nose clap your hands. If your happy and you nose it then your face will surely show it, if your happy and you nose it clap your hands!"
I mean, it kind of makes sense if you think about it!

We were in the car on our way to shop with Aunt Karla and she turns around to him and says, "Porter, do you want me to buy you lunch?" He says, "No thanks! I don't want you to buy me lunch, I want you to buy me a TOY! A truck. A green truck. Okay?!"

"Bubba, did you have a good day at school? Did you sing the Wokie Pokie?"

Paxton has learned quite a lot at pre-school, one of which happens to be potty talk. Porter comes up to me and says, "Paxton called me poo poo ice. I said thank you! Because I go poo poo and I like ice! See, we ARE being nice!" This obviously makes no sense to me at all, but I did find it comical that he thought they were playing nicely together by making sense of the nonsense.

And here are a few words that are mispronounced ever so adorably!!!
tecause = because
wobe = love
cheeth = cheese

I know it is wrong on so many levels, but I perpetuate mispronunciation! I LOVE the way he talks and I don't want it to change just yet!

1 comment:

  1. love this! I agree...i hate correcting them. Hadley still says beout instead of without because I have never corrected it!
