Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Today Charlotte stopped up the toilet when she tried to flush an entire box of Kleenex down it. Paxton let me know that this had happened after the fact. A day late and a dollar short, I guess.

I took the kids to Sam's to get my stuff to make my Thanksgiving contributions. Of course they didn't have sweet potatoes. So I took Charlotte and Porter home, and Pax and I went to Target. After getting all my stuff we loaded back up and went home. When we got home I realized that I had left my purse in the basket at Target. So I leave Pax and grab Charlotte and head back to Target. Thankfully, a good Samaritan turned in my purse and it was waiting for me at Customer Service. I say thankfully not because of my money or credit cards, but because all of Paxton's medicine was in the medicine bag I carry with me at all times in my purse. Hours later I finally had everything I needed to make mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, and cookies.

I was putting the laundry from the washer to the dryer. You know what I pulled out of the washing machine that had been run through the cycle with the clothes??? An ab roller.

*Just in case you weren't sure what an ab roller was!*

We let the kids watch a movie in Scott's office tonight before bed. I cleaned and cleaned and got everything all spotless to put up our Christmas decorations this weekend. Then I took snacks up to the kids. Grapes and pretzels. It was dark in the room because they were finishing up watching their movie. When I turned the light on later, I noticed Charlotte had chewed up and spit out about 1oo pretzels all over the carpet.

These are just a few of the happenings at the England household today. I say all of these things not because I am complaining, but because I am THANKFUL! Thankful that I married Scott almost 8 years ago and we had these 3 perfectly amazing and rambunctious children. That my children are healthy and happy and able to make these beautiful messes. That we have a home to get dirty, and food to spit out all over the floor, and medicine to panic about being lost, and each other to laugh at all of these things with. I am thankful for these things and for all of God's gifts and blessings. I love that Thanksgiving is a day to celebrate all the things we are thankful for, however, I don't feel any more thankful this day than any other day of the year. I know everyday is a gift and try to count my blessings every day of my life.

Thanksgiving at the England's.
Thanksgiving at school.
Unfortunately, I forgot my camera at Thanksgiving with my family. Booooooo! I will have to get some pics from my sis.

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