Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Catch phrases at the England house

As I am sure is true in everyone's house, there is never a dull moment around here. Sometimes the insanity is perpetuated by me (aka turning up the music super loud so we can dance it out) and others it is driven by one (or all) of the kids just being kids.

There are phrases that I hear or say on a daily basis that are fitting (and funny if I actually listen to what's being said) for this season in our lives, however, if I were to hear the same phrase 18 years from now it would not be so cute!

Here are a few examples:


"Paxton, you have to wear pants at the dinner table or at LEAST underwear!"

"Porter, take your underwear off of your head!"

"Charlotte, stay out of the trash can!"

"Boys, please take your hands out of your pants!"

"No, Paxton, you may not kiss the babysitter who you have never met before tonight."

"Charlotte, do not put your hands in the toilet."

"Porter, just because we had to let you pee in a cup in the car that one time doesn't mean you need to hold it until we get in the car so you can go in a cup again!"

Some of these phrases are said about every 5 minutes all day long. I try not to be a no no no mommy, as the word starts to lose it's effect after the millionth time it is said. For a while I would gasp really dramatically and say DANGER if someone was about to do something dangerous. This, apparently, was funny and therefore not effective either. There are so many books out there written on getting your baby to sleep. I've given up on trying to feel really well rested. I wish there were books titled, "How to keep your toddler from knocking out her front teeth, " or "How to keep your preschooler from talking to every stranger on the planet without scaring him to death about strangers," or "How to teach your almost 3 year old that he doesn't need to do everything his older brother does...the good things and the bad things."

When we were in college we started this thing we called "only in Stillwater," where everytime we would see or hear something that reminded us of Stillwater we would write it down. The list was HILARIOUS!!!! These phrases are my grown up version. And the list grows every day!

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