Sunday, January 1, 2012

Just let Charlotte do what she wants

Charlotte has a little bit of a reputation for getting her way. The boys both threw their fair share of fits when it came to getting what they want, but I guess I wasn't near as exhausted at this point in my life and made it a point to NOT let them get away with it.

Charlotte, on the other hand, I give in...every single time almost. There is usually a lot going on in the grocery store, for instance, when Charlotte starts in screaming "SNACK!!! SNACK!!!" so I will find what it is she wants and just hand it to her. With the boys I would stop in the middle of the grocery store and do the whole, "Please do not yell at mommy. How do you ask nicely? Can you practice using your nice inside voice and ask mommy again for a snack." Now I just rip open the package and start handing her stuff. Anything really. And I think the boys are starting to pick up on this.

Today the boys ate a great dinner. When they were finished they asked for some chocolate chips. As I started pouring some in a bowl for the boys Charlotte runs over and asks for some too. I look in Charlottes bowl and she hasn't eaten anything really. I say to her, "No Charlotte, only kids who eat their dinner get to have dessert." She of course starts screaming, "NOOOOOOOOO!!!" Paxton turns to me and says, "Mommy, just give Charlotte what she wants." Really?!?!? Busted. I guess I am going to have to start sticking to my guns a little bit better!

But this sweet little face gets me every time! Especially when she says, "PEASSSSSSE!?"

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