Monday, August 8, 2011


Meet Curly....

We got Curly yesterday when Aunt Karla and Uncle Dale gave the kids a present they picked up from Cracker Barrel. So to answer the question...No Curly is not real, but somehow she flutters around in that jar when you tap the lid. It's magic I tell ya. Karla came over at about 5 pm with this present. At 5:01 Paxton had named her "Curly." Seems like a fitting name for a butterfly, right?!?! Oh, and yes Curly is a girl in case you were wondering.

Paxton carried Curly around the rest of the day. When he was laying down to go to sleep he set Curly on the night stand and asked Scott if he thought Curly was afraid of the dark. Just in case he moved her closer to the night light. He also informed me that Curly would be wanting honey for breakfast. I though this would be the end of the novelty that came along with Curly.

This morning Paxton and Scott were up before the rest of us. When I went into the boys room I noticed Curly was not on the nightstand anymore. I went downstairs and found Paxton and Curly eating breakfast together.

Then Curly played in the playroom with us...

And ate lunch at Hideaway with us...

And went to the doctor with us (please notice Curly sitting on the counter directly behind Paxton's back).

Altogether Curly had a pretty eventful day. And here is how the exchange goes when people notice Paxton is carrying around a rather large Mason jar...

Person: What you got in that jar.
Paxton: It's Curly.
Person taking a closer look: Oh it's a butterfly.
Paxton: It's not just any butterfly, it's a monarch butterfly. And her name is Curly.
Person looking at me with a questioning look of "is that thing real?"
Me: Shaking me head no.
Person: Well that sure is a nice butterfly.
Paxton: I know!

This exact same conversation took place more than once today. Word for word.

I wonder how long Curly is going to tag along with us. Porter went to grab the jar to take a look at it and I found myself about to have a panic attack thinking he was going to drop it and break it. We've become pretty attached to Curly in the past 24 hours. I will have to say she is the best pet we have ever had!

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