Friday, August 5, 2011

Big Boy Haircuts

We have a love/hate relationship with haircuts over here. The boys always want a haircut on the days their daddy gets a haircut. I always say no at first because I hate cutting off the white blonde goldie locks that becomes their hair when it gets longer. But if they really want to wear their hair short like their daddy, who am I to tell them no. (I really think it is so adorable that they admire Scott so much!)

So they want a haircut until I start in with the clippers. Then the wiggling and complaining and spitting (due to the hair in the mouth) begins. Neither one of the boys will wear a cape (don't ask me why) so the hair gets all over them which drives them crazy. I don't blame them, but once I start I have to finish. I always look at the blonde hair on the ground and get a little choked up. But they really do look adorable with their big boy haircuts!

Be still my heart! I can't get enough of that adorable face!
My big boy! Paxton really does well with the haircut now. He is just getting so big I can't even believe it.

Having a midnight snack (at 9:30, which is pretty much like midnight for them)! Right before I took this picture Porter was sitting in a chair and Paxton was sitting on the bench at the kitchen table. Porter moved over to the bench and said, "I want to sit by Bubba because he is my best friend." Seriously?!?! Sweetest thing EVER!

*On a side note, Charlotte is rocking the baby mullet. She has these adorable curls in the back and hardly any hair on the top or the sides. Business in the front, party in the back! If she would ever stop moving for a minute I could get a picture of it! :)*

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