Monday, July 4, 2011

Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let down your hair. Or mommy will work just fine too!

Most kids have a "lovey." It's usually a blanket, stuffed animal, maybe a favorite toy or pillow. Paxton had a "sliky." He had a "big silk," which was a blue Little Giraffe blanket. And a "little silk," which was a smaller white Little Giraffe blanket. He would carry those silkys around with him everywhere, and when he was putting himself to sleep he would rub it on his face and in his ears and between his toes. Pretty much anywhere he could think of to rub the silky edges of that blanket on his body he would. It was so sweet and adorable to watch him do this. It was so tattered and worn out by the time he gave it up I couldn't decide whether or not to keep it in his memory box. I mean it was REALLY worn out. (I did keep the little silk by the way. I just couldn't part with it.) When he gave up the pacifier he pretty much gave up the silky too. I never thought he would let it go, but he was pretty anxious to enter into big boy-dum. It was a bittersweet moment. Although I am fully aware the attachment to a lovey is very normal, in fact it is almost life saving at times, Porter has a little different approach to the lovey.

Porter wants to play with my hair. He has done this since he was a little baby. It started when I was nursing him. He would twirl my hair in his fingers. Then it progressed to when I was laying down with him to go to sleep he would run his fingers through my hair. And then when he was sitting next to me on the couch reading books. And yesterday I was washing dishes and he proceeds to drag a chair from the kitchen table up next to me at the sink so he can "pull mommy's hair while she is washing dishes." And he has a method to this madness. He starts at the root and runs his fingers all the way through to the end. My hair is Porter's lovey! Now that he is a little bit bigger and you can reason with him a bit, I will try and put a hold on the hair pulling until it is bed time. In all honesty it is sweet to me that he does this, but I am not going to lie and and act like it doesn't drive me crazy at times. Only because it hurts a bit and it inevitably ends up tickling my face. So at one point (in the height of the hair pulling situation) I got desperate. I could not sleep with Porter all night long seeing as I had a new baby to take care of. This led me on the mad search to find something to replace my mane in his hands. Sooooooo what do I find you might ask??!! A Barbie doll wig! Who knew they made such a thing, but they do, and IT WORKED! I would lay down with him until he fell asleep and then slip the Barbie wig into his hand. This may sound crazy to some people, but hey a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do. That big black blob in the photo above...Barbie doll hair. He has moved past the wigs seeing as he has a real life person to snuggle all night long now in his big brother. Just as Paxton gave up the silky, Porter too will give up the hair one of these days. I know there will come a day when I long for Porter to snuggle up next to me in bed and twirl my hair. Maybe some day, but not any time soon I don't believe. :)

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