Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ignorance is Bliss

Paxton is smart. I'm not bragging because, frankly, I don't care if my kids are smart. I mean don't get me wrong, I want them to always do their best at whatever it is that they do, but if their best isn't straight A's their whole life then I'm not going to be sad about it. I just want them to be caring and compassionate and inclusive of everyone they meet. So I guess basically, I don't care if they are smart I just want them to be popular! I kid, I kid! Really, I am kidding!!! But I do want them to be nice. (Scott, on the other hand, DOES want them to be smart! :D So I will leave the teaching up to him). So that's why I can say Paxton is smart and not feel like I am being braggy.

This is a blessing and a curse to my little buddy. He is currently obsessed with bugs. He got a bug kit one day weeks ago. In the kit was a book about bugs, a bottle to trap them in, a magnifying glass, and a few other tools to go on a "bug hunt." In the book they describe lots of bugs and if they sting they call these "no touch bugs." The book is so worn out it's falling apart. The front and back cover are missing and the pages are all tattered. The kid loves this book, but as a result he now knows that wasps and bees and the like are "no touch bugs." This makes him a tad afraid of these types of bugs. And when I say a tad afraid I mean SUPER afraid.

We were swimming at Aunt Karla's house the other day and I had stripped the boys clothes off outside to put their swimsuits on. They both run over to pee in the bushes before they get in the pool. Paxton looks down at his feet and there are a few dead wasps on the ground. Let the freaking out commence. He runs up to me and this is how it goes, "Oh my goodness!! WASPS!!! Did I step on them? Did they sting me? Oh no mommy am I hurt?!?! Porter!! Porter!! Back up there are wasps over there! They might sting you!"

And Porter's response?? "Naw I'm just gonna pee on them."

Sometimes ignorance IS bliss!

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