Monday, December 12, 2011

Breaking the Rules

I kept Paxton home from school for two days last week. He was coughing and I didn't know if he was coming down with something. His teacher is going through chemo and I didn't want to send him if he was getting sick. He is still coughing so I guess he isn't sick.

Anyway, we took this opportunity to break lots of rules these two days. We ate chips and cookies and junk food all day long. We got dressed and fixed our hair. Then we took off our clothes and put on pjs and messed up our hair. We jumped on our beds, wrapped each other in wrapping paper and ribbon, and moved all the furniture and rode our bikes in the house. We watched tv when we felt like it and we snuggled and loved on each other all day long. One of those nights when Scott and I were laying down with the boys telling stories and tickling backs, we thought they were just about asleep when Paxton rolls over and in the sleepiest, sweetest little four year old voice says, "This is livin'!" Porter then chimes in, "I love this world. I love this life. I love you guys."

These days are what life is all about to me. We spend so much time trying to be perfect parents. Making sure our children are better versions of ourselves. Trying to follow all the rules and do everything just right. Some days taking time to just live is what it is all about. I am so happy that my children are ALIVE I don't care if they are "perfect." Our Christmas tree is up and the lights are on it but there are no ornaments on it yet. Who cares. My bathroom mirror has streaks on it and I don't cook a 4 course meal every night. Or hardly ever for that matter. One day Paxton went to school with his pants on backwards. Who cares. Not me. When you have a 4 year old, 3 year old, and 1.5 year old some things have to give. You hear the saying 'pick your battles.' I pick the battle of kindness. Of compassion and caring. I pick the battle of loving on my family and spending as much time with them as possible. I have given up on trying to be beautiful or being a great cook or having a spotless house. Maybe someday, but not today. And not tomorrow, either.

I love this world. I love this life. This is livin'.

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