Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sweet Sleep

Sleep is a 4 letter word in our house. We are the worst sleepers. All of us. Well almost all of us. Porter is the only one who could sleep anywhere and through anything.

**It is only appropriate that I put a disclaimer before the following story. I know I am a little crazy, but I can't help it. This story is not to provide evidence of my craziness but to provide evidence of Porter's wicked deep sleeping skills. Try to refrain from judging me! :)**

One night Pax and Port were in the shower and Porter slipped and fell on the cusp of the shower door. He started sobbing hysterically and immediately got an ENORMOUS bruise on his side. He calmed down and all was right in the world again....until he went to bed, that is. I, being the incredibly neurotic mother that I am, started panicking that he had fallen and damaged his spleen or kidneys or something, (I know, I know it's nuts. I can't help it people. I watch too much Grey's Anatomy!) so I start my thing that I do when I start to get paranoid. I ask Scott if he thinks I should take him to after hours. He says, " if you think you need to take him then so do I. But take him now before it closes so we don't end up in the freaking emergency room later." He says these exact words every. single. time. I try to talk myself out of it, and then I always end up taking him. I mean the bruise was HUGE people. And all sorts of different colors.

So I go upstairs and get sleeping Porter out of his bed. I load him in the car, drive to urgent care, fill out all of the appropriate paperwork, they weigh him, take his temperature, look at his pupils, the doctor assesses him, looks in his ears, etc. I check out, put him back in his car seat, take him out of his car seat once we get home, and put him back in his bed, all without him waking up. I am so envious of this type of sleep. If someone flushes the toilet in the house next door it will wake Charlotte up, which in turn will wake me up, which in turn will wake Scott up. And that's how it goes.

When I hear the term "sleeping like a baby" it always makes me think of Porter. He has no problem catching a few zzzzzzzzz's where ever, when ever he can!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that picture of him propped up on the side of the chair!
